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LASIK Discounts

Laser Vision Correction Discount at LASIK MD

LASIK MD is Canada’s only national provider of laser vision correction, with more than 30 clinics located across the country. We offer a full range of vision correction procedures best suited for every pair of eyes—including procedures for patients with up-close reading vision loss. Our dedicated team of eye care professionals will assist you at every step of the process and address any questions you may have along the way.

CFMS member benefits at LASIK MD include:

  • FREE consultation with no obligation
  • Exceptional flat-rate pricing
  • Complimentary Vision Enhancement Plan


*CFMS does not endorse the products or services offered by its corporate partners and organizations.

Discount Details

  • Please login in order to access this discount.

Visit Here To Print off your lasik membership card.Visit Lasik MD's website for more information about this offer.