2020 CFMS Annual General Meeting
September 18–20, 2020
2020 CFMS Annual General Meeting
September 18–20, 2020
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is an opportunity for Canadian medical students to get together and discuss important issues pertaining to medical education, advocacy, global health, wellness, and more. Join the conversation, get involved — we want to hear from you!
Please see the latest version of the AGM agenda.
Latest update September 16th 2020.
Nominations for the CFMS 2020-2021 Executive Board – Atlantic Regional Director, Quebec Regional Director, Ontario Regional Director and Western Regional Director must be received no later than 7:00 p.m. EST on Sunday, September 13, 2020. Nominations will close strictly at this time.
The form requires an interested individual submit their name, email address, a photo, a brief bio/letter of intent (no more than 250 words) and a condensed CV (no more than 2 pages).
As per the CFMS By-laws, “Only individual medical student members and individual members-at-large who have attained the age of eighteen years, are in good standing with the Federation and the federal government as per the Act, and have the capacity to contract shall be eligible for election to the Board of Directors”. While previous experience with the workings of the CFMS is strongly encouraged, it is not required.
All applicants should review the CFMS Code of Conduct prior to submitting a nomination, to ensure you are comfortable with the expectations of a CFMS Executive Board.
To encourage transparency and program buy-in for board duties, medical students who are interested in running for the CFMS Executive Board should consider discussing the opportunity with their medical program before they run.
For more information on Call for Nominations including the elections process and available positions, click here.
Medical student societies and meeting delegates are invited to put forward resolutions for discussion and debate at the CFMS Annual General Meeting during the Members Resolutions Sessions on Sunday, September 20, 2020. Members are encouraged to review resolutions submitted at previous meetings, available on the CFMS website here, in order to ensure you do not submit duplicate resolutions that have already been approved at previous meetings. In addition, resolutions should be in scope of the work of the CFMS.
Resolutions must be received by Dr. Debbie Brace, CFMS 2020 AGM Chair, by e-mail at [email protected] on or before Monday, September 7th, 2020 at 11:59pm EDT to be pre-circulated to AGM attendees and our general membership via the CFMS website. No additional resolutions may be submitted after Monday, September 7th, 2020. You will receive a confirmation that the resolution has been received.
A virtual resolutions marketplace will take place on Sunday, September 13th, 2020 via zoom. All AGM attendees and those submitting resolutions will be invited to attend.
Final edits to the submitted resolutions must be submitted by Tuesday, September 15th, 2020 at 11:59pm EDT to [email protected]
Please note due to the nature of the virtual meetings and our resolutions session there will be NO exceptions to the deadlines to submit resolutions as noted.
For more information on the Call for Resolutions, click here. Please take note of the Revised Guiding Document Protocol and Resolutions Guide.
On Sunday Sept 13th, authors of the variations resolutions will be participating in an optional resolutions marketplace virtually. Please stay tuned for more details.
Resolution 1
Resolution 2
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Resolution 3
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Resolution 4
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Resolution 5
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Resolution 6
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Resolution 7
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Resolution 8
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Resolution 9
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Resolution 10
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Resolution 11
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Resolution 12
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Resolution 13
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Resolution 14
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Resolution 15
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Resolution 16
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Resolution 17
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Resolution 18
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Resolution 19
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