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The National Officer of Partnerships can be contacted at [email protected]

Global health opportunities are available to all Canadian medical students through effective communication, collaboration, and coordination with relevant global health organizations. The National Officer of Partnerships, alongside the Partnerships Committee, aims to improve the accessibility of these global health opportunities for medical students through the effective establishment, development, and maintenance of partnerships. 

At the 2019 Canadian Federation of Medical Students (CFMS) Annual General Meeting, delegates voted on the top priority for the 2019-2020 year for each of the CFMS portfolios. The top priority for Global Health was to expand on its partnership portfolio. Taking this into serious consideration, the Partnerships Committee has significantly expanded its scope and focused on establishing global health partnerships beyond our pre-existing one with the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations. 

CFMS Global Health Partners:

  • International Federation of Medical Students’ Association
  • IFMSA-Quebec
  • Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research
  • Stand Up for Indigenous Health & Stand Up for Health
  • Doctors of the World/Médecins du Monde
  • Amnesty International
  • CanWaCH

The following are a list of partners associated specifically with our Health and Environment Adaptive Response Taskforce (HEART)

  • CAPE Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment
  • CNSA Canadian Nursing Students Association
  • FMEQ Fédération médicale étudiante du Québec
  • AMSA Australian Medical Student Association
  • GHSYPN Global Health Students and Young Professionals Network
  • ELESH Emerging Leaders for Environmental Sustainability in Healthcare
  • The Lancet Countdown on Climate Change and Health
  • CCGHC Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care
  • CSHS Centre for Sustainable Health Systems
  • David Suzuki Foundation

The NOP oversees the Global Health Monthly Pulse newsletter that goes out to CFMS medical students interested in global health. This newsletter provides updates on our portfolio’s work and ongoing global health and IFMSA opportunities. You can subscribe to the newsletter here: