Global Health Education
What Does the Global Health Education Portfolio Do?
Over the years, there has been an increasing demand for global health education at Canadian medical schools. Many schools have created programming, be it faculty-led or student-led, to account for this growing demand. Some schools, however, have fallen behind in addressing student requests for global health programming for a variety of reasons, including logistic concerns or a small number of global health faculty. The CFMS NOGHE portfolio aims to provide students with resources to supplement their medical education with global health core concepts. These core concepts for Canadian medical students were initially drafted in 2012 and were re-affirmed as well as mapped to CanMEDS roles (found here).
Check here for some of our past and ongoing projects in the NOGHE portfolio:
National Global Leath Education Survey
- A follow-up survey to a study titled Global Health in Canadian Medical Education: Current Practices and Opportunities (Izadnegahdar et al, 2008)
- Collection of responses from students regarding current opinions of global health integration into medical school curricula and the value of global health education in residency and practice
- Surveyed responses include consideration for the accessibility of global health opportunities and desired future steps for future curricula development
- Project currently in progress
CFMS Social Medicine Certificate Toolkit
- Provides a framework for students attempting to implement a global health certificate program at their school
- Link to completed document: Click here
- An extension to this project organizing national and online social medicine events is ongoing
Summary of Global Health Education at Medical Schools Across Canada
- Collection of responses from students regarding key areas of global health education across Canada, survey questions derived from Building a Framework for Global Health Learning: An Analysis of Global Health Concentrations in Canadian Medical Schools (Watterson et al, 2015)
- Link to completed report: Click here
Selected Cases in Global Health
- Gathered data on students’ perspectives regarding mandatory service learning and areas for improvement
- Link to completed report: Click here
Global Health Mentorship For Canadian Medical Students
- Are you a medical student looking for mentorship in the field of global health? Check out MentorNet (run by the Canadian Society for International Health), which offers a robust mentorship program connecting interested students with mentors working in global health:
Interested in getting involved with Global Health Education?
- Join our Global Health Education Committee: applications open during Fall recruitment each year (around August-September)
- Become a Local Officer of Global Health Education at your school’s global health committee (check with your Global Health Liaison in September)
- Contact the National Officer of Global Health Education: [email protected]