Rapid Response Task Force
The CFMS Government Affairs and Advocacy portfolio strikes task forces on emergent topics in healthcare, in order to best represent medical student voice, values, and ideas on these topics.
Rapid Response Task Force Releases
Revised Legislation on MAID (former Bill C7)
In December 2022, the Government announced plans to extend the temporary exclusion of MAID eligibility for individuals suffering solely from a mental illness beyond March 2023 which was later postponed to March 2024
Dealing with the surgery backlog from COVID-19
MARCH 2, 2023 - The Canadian Federation of Medical Students (CFMS) believes that the Ontario Government’s new plan to reduce surgical wait times by allowing procedures to be performed at for-profit, private sites is not an effective way to tackle the problem, especially in the long-term.
The importance of continuing to provide routine immunizations during a global pandemic
MAY 10, 2020 - In alignment with the Immunize Canada position paper, the Canadian Federation of Medical Students (CFMS) believes that it is important to continue providing and encouraging patients to receive their routine immunizations during the COVID-19 global pandemic.
Federal Government announces new firearm policy in an effort to reduce gun violence and gun-related crime in Canada
MAY 6, 2020 - The Canadian Federation of Medical Students (CFMS) supports efforts to reduce firearm-related injury and death in Canada.
Members of these Task Forces are selected during the CFMS Fall Recruitment which is held each September. For more information please contact the CFMS Rapid Response Team Lead (RRTL): [email protected]