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The CFMS is an organization representing over 8,000 medical students from 15 Canadian medical student societies from coast to coast. We represent medical students to the public, to the federal government, and to national and international medical organizations.
PRESS RELEASE: Announcement of the 2022-23 CFMS Board
May 09, 2022

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PRESS RELEASE: Announcement of the 2022-23 CFMS Board


MAY 9, 2022 - The Canadian Federation of Medical Students (CFMS) is proud to announce the election of the 2022-23 Board of Directors by the membership at our 44th Spring General Meeting (SGM) in Calgary, AB on April 21-23, 2022. CFMS congratulates all candidates who stood for nomination. Our Past President Dr. Stephanie Smith, acting as the Chief Returning Officer (CRO), will be determining next steps for the unfilled positions and we will communicate this to membership as soon as possible.

The composition of the 2022-23 CFMS Board is:

President: Montana Hackett, Western University

Past-president & Board Chair: Santanna Hernandez, University of Calgary

Vice-President Communications: To be filled at a later date

Vice-President Finance: Zack Chuang, Western University

Director of Education: Danielle Judd, University of Manitoba

Director of Global Health: Khalidha Nasiri, Western University

Director of Government Affairs: Amna Majeed, University of Toronto

Director of Student Affairs: Sara Abdessamie,  McGill University

Director(s) of Indigenous Health: To be filled at a later date

Atlantic Regional Director: To be filled at a later date

Quebec Regional Director: To be filled at a later date

Ontario Regional Director(s): Helen Jin, Western University
2nd position to be filled at a later date

Western Regional Director(s): Alvin Qiu, University of British Columbia
Cindy Kalenga, University of Calgary


“Thank you for putting your trust in me to be your President. The CFMS is at a critical crossroads which requires a tangible plan for improving representation, engagement, and EDI in your organization. Luckily, you have elected a team that has the passion, skills, and commitment to realize this vision. The board still has many vacant positions (which I encourage you to look into as the process for filling them is determined). We are beginning to transition with the outgoing board as they pass the culmination of their nearly 1.5 years of hard work onto us. We are excited to hit the ground running officially in the Fall.”

Montana Hackett, 2022-23 CFMS President-Elect

“It is going to continue to be an amazing year of growth for this organization. I am incredibly proud of the change the outgoing board has done to support the calls to action. I am excited to work with the new board towards continued growth as Past-President and Board Chair.”

Santanna Hernandez, 2022-23 CFMS Past-president & Board Chair (Current President)

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