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Canadian Federation of
Medical Students
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About the CFMS
The CFMS is an organization representing over 8,000 medical students from 15 Canadian medical student societies from coast to coast. We represent medical students to the public, to the federal government, and to national and international medical organizations.
Member Memo #6: COVID-19 Effects on Medical Education and CFMS Operations
April 14, 2020

Dear Students,

We hope everyone had an enjoyable “long” weekend (does anyone even know the day of the week it is any more??). Whether you saw the Easter bunny or not, spent time socially connected with your family and friends while maintaining physical distancing!

Please continue to check our COVID-19 webpage for new announcements and updates. CFMS Supports 20 student initiatives with COVID-19 Community Care Initiative Grants

We are very proud to announce that we were able to support 20 grassroots students’ initiatives through our community care initiative grants. Student projects are taking place across the country and we are using the hashtag #medstudentscare to highlight some of the work. Keep up the great work everyone!

MCCQE I Exam/Final Year Students

We continue to have weekly meetings with MCC leadership. Prometric sites remain closed until at least May 1st and we are working with the MCC to establish the best way to run the exam. All options for exam delivery continue to be considered and we are aware the MCC is considering options for remote exam delivery. To summarize the current information, we know and have advocated for:

As a reminder, if we are unable to start the writing period of the MCCQE I prior to the start of residency; no provincial/territorial jurisdiction in Canada at this time places any additional restrictions on PGY-1’s who have not yet successfully completed their MCCQE I. If we do not complete the MCCQE I before residency we would be able to practice with the full scope that any other PGY-1 would have in other years. Currently provincial regulatory colleges require you to have completed both MCCQE I and II prior to obtaining a staff physician license.

We are also communicating with the AFMC and postgraduate deans nationally to ensure that final year students receive ongoing information during your transition to residency. This is an uncertain time and we want to ensure that you will be fully supported as you start the next part of your medical training. Final year students should be receiving information from your home school student affairs offices and incoming PGME offices with specific instructions about preparation for the start of residency, with certain special considerations given the ongoing uncertainty with the COVID-19 pandemic. If you are moving, take note of additional time you may need if a province has a travel quarantine measure in place. We are actively discussing possible options to support learners who are moving for the start of residency, including the possibility of temporary housing measures should that be required to help with public health restrictions in June/July. The CFMS has creating a facebook group for incoming residents at all of our member

schools to help connect incoming residents with each other. Talk to your final year class rep if you haven’t been added to a group yet!

Second Iteration R1 2020 Match:

Second iteration match day is on Wednesday April 15th. We are wishing students entering the second iteration all the best. The CFMS will be analyzing the match data and will have an official press release and response shortly after results are released by CaRMS. We continue to have a number of supports for students who have entered the second iteration of the 2020 R1 match which are listed here. We have extended the deadline for submitting the reimbursement form to receive $150 to support costs for the second iteration to April 30th. You can access the form at the above link.

Visiting Electives/AFMC electives portal:

The AFMC portal has an updated FAQ section here.


This past week we spent significant time discussing the 2021 R1 Match timelines.

We have also continued discussing guiding principles for students to return to clinical duties. At this time schools continue to aim for returns between middle of May to the start of July though there remains significant uncertainty.

CFMS Spring General Meeting and Elections:

Our CFMS SGM will be taking place this Saturday and Sunday!! We will be using Zoom and will be able to accommodate up to 300 participants! There is still opportunity to register to attend! An updated agenda and meeting information has been uploaded to our SGM webpage here. We look forward to electing our new President and portfolio VPs/directors. Information on the candidates who are running will be updated shortly and you can find information about them on our SGM webpage. We will be joined for special guest sessions by CaRMS and the AFMC. We will be recording some of the sessions and posting soon after the SGM.

Wellness Resources

This is a stressful time for many of us. In collaboration with our member schools we have this spreadsheet of wellness resources. We want to remind everyone to stay connected socially during this period of critical physical distancing. Check out our social media @CFMSFEMC for contests to keep you engaged.

Final Thoughts

We will continue to have these member memos every 1 to 2 weeks. The medical education environment continues to change rapidly and we encourage you to stay connected with your local MedSoc who are all doing an amazing job advocating for you locally. We are in constant communication with your MedSoc executive and we appreciate the ongoing engagement on improving medical education.

As always if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at [email protected]


Victor Do

CFMS President, 2019-2020

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