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The CFMS is an organization representing over 8,000 medical students from 15 Canadian medical student societies from coast to coast. We represent medical students to the public, to the federal government, and to national and international medical organizations.
PRESS RELEASE: The CFMS is pleased to see fewer unmatched Canadian medical graduates after the 2019 R-1 Main Residency Match
April 12, 2019


NIAGARA FALLS, ON – April 12, 2019 - The Canadian Federation of Medical Students (CFMS) is pleased that for the first time since 2015, the number of unmatched Canadian medical graduates (uCMGs) has decreased.

According to the Canadian Residency Matching Service (CaRMS), there are 67 current year CMGs that remain unmatched after both iterations of the 2019 R-1 Main Residency Match, compared to 115 uCMGs following the 2018 match.

Over the past year, numerous key recommendations were adopted, which contributed to the improved outcome of the 2019 R-1 Main Residency Match. Many of these recommendations were included in the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC) report: Reducing the Number of Unmatched Canadian Medical Graduates: A Way Forward, which was endorsed by the CFMS.

Applications of key recommendations include:

  1. The reduction of the backlog of previous year uCMGs through the one-time creation of residency seats in Ontario and the introduction of the Medical Officer Training Program (MOTP) Surge through the Canadian Armed Forces after the 2018 R-1 Main Residency Match.
  2. Separation of CMG and international medical graduate (IMG) residency seats in Ontario, Alberta, and Manitoba in the second iteration, and the addition of residency seats in Nova Scotia for the 2019 R-1 Main Residency Match.
  3. Increased student supports during and post residency match for uCMGs by Undergraduate Medical Education and Student Affairs offices across the country.

The CFMS is cautiously optimistic with the improved match results this year. However, we acknowledge that ongoing advocacy efforts and sustainable, long-term solutions are required to ensure a continued decrease in the number of uCMGs in subsequent years. The CFMS will continue to advocate for a pan-Canadian approach to health human resource planning, the addition of residency positions to reach and maintain a 1:1.2 ratio of CMGs to available residency positions, and robust supports for uCMGs at each medical school.

“I believe the tremendous advocacy work done by many current and past CFMS representatives has significantly impacted the positive outcomes of the 2019 Match. We will continue to advocate for all those that remain unmatched and collaborate with external medical organizations and governments, until all medical students match to a residency program” - Captain Stephanie Smith, CFMS President.

For more information on CFMS’ advocacy work, please visit

ABOUT THE CANADIAN FEDERATION OF MEDICAL STUDENTS: The Canadian Federation of Medical Students (CFMS) is the national organization representing over 8,000 Canadian medical students from 15 medical schools across Canada. We represent medical students to the public, to the federal government, and to national and international medical organizations. We are tomorrow’s physicians leading for health today.

Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram: @CFMSFEMC

For further information or to request an interview, please contact: Victoria Januszkiewicz, CFMS Vice President Communications, CFMS Email: [email protected] Cell : 506-461-4683

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