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The CFMS is an organization representing over 8,000 medical students from 15 Canadian medical student societies from coast to coast. We represent medical students to the public, to the federal government, and to national and international medical organizations.
#EnviroMed Earth Week Challenge & Photo Contest
April 12, 2018

#EnviroMed Earth Week Challenge

Did you know Earth Day is coming up on April 22? CFMS’ Health and Environmental Adaptive Response Task force (HEART) is planning the #EnviroMed Earth Week Challenge!

When: April 16-22, 2018
What: take as many environmentally conscious actions as possible in the week leading up to Earth Day - the student/school with the highest participation will win prizes and be announced at the CFMS SGM, April 27-28 2018.
Why: raise awareness among Canadian medical students of the inter-connection between the health of people and our environment, and promote tangible actions to reduce our ecological footprint.
How: take a picture or screenshot of yourself taking an environmentally-conscious action and tag it #EnviroMed and @CFMSFEMC on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

Action ideas:

Earth Day Photo Contest

The 2nd annual HEART Earth Day Photo Contest will run April 9-23, 2018.

Simply submit a photo (or photos) that show what the importance of a healthy environment means to you.

Photos may be submitted to Finola Hackett ([email protected]) between April 9-23, 2018. All photo submissions must have been taken by the medical student submitting. Please include a one-line caption for each submission. Winners and prizes will also be announced at the CFMS SGM, April 27-28 2018.

Last year’s Earth Day Photo Contest winner:

Duckface (Lake Rotoiti, Nelson Lakes National Park, New Zealand).

“For me, environmental health involves exploring and embracing the world around me. It means taking every opportunity to be outside, to take in the beauty of this crazy blue planet, and to see our influence upon it (both good and bad). It also entails doing my utmost to have a positive impact on the health of our world - from recycling, to finding ways to offset my carbon footprint, to resource stewardship.”

  • Kayla Sliskovic, University of Toronto

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