About the CFMS
The CFMS is an organization representing over 8,000 medical students from 15 Canadian medical student societies from coast to coast. We represent medical students to the public, to the federal government, and to national and international medical organizations.-Le français suit-
The CFMS is now accepting applications from our member schools to host the 2018 Annual General Meeting!
Every year, one of the CFMS member schools hosts the CFMS AGM in or near the city of their medical school or its distributed campuses. This provides an excellent opportunity to increase the profile of your medical school/medical student society, increase CFMS awareness to students at your home school, and a chance to host friends and colleagues from the CFMS in your hometown.
The CFMS Executive will review applications received by December 4th, 2017 11:59 PM EST, with the winning school announced December 8th.
Please see the attached Proposal Request document which outlines all items needed in a school’s bid. The scoring matrix and the sponsorship policy are also included to help facilitate your application process.
Any requests, questions or concerns can be directed to the CFMS Western Regional Representative Victor Do ([email protected])
Le CFMS accepte maintenant les demandes des écoles étant membre de l’association, pour accueillir L’ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE ANNUELLE 2018 !
Il s’agit d’une excellente occasion d’accroître le profil de votre école de médecine, de votre communauté étudiante médicale, de sensibiliser votre école en ce qui attrait au CFMS et d’accueillir vos amis et vos collègues de la CFMS dans votre ville natale.
Les demandes seront acceptées jusqu’au 4 décembre à 23h59 (heure de l’Est) et l’école gagnante sera annoncée le 8 décembre.
Êtes-vous intéressé ?
Parlez-en au représentant du CFMS de votre école (habituellement le VP externe), ou contacter le Représentant régionale de l’Ouest Victor Do ([email protected]).
Important Documents / Documents importants:
[CFMS AGM 2018 Bid Proposal Request](/uploads/news-documents/CFMS AGM 2018 Bid_Proposal Request.pdf)[CFMS AGM 2018 Selection Process and Scoring Matix](/uploads/news-documents/CFMS AGM 2018 Selection Process & Matrix.pdf)