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About the CFMS
The CFMS is an organization representing over 8,000 medical students from 15 Canadian medical student societies from coast to coast. We represent medical students to the public, to the federal government, and to national and international medical organizations.
Call for Feedback: CFMS Strategic Plan
July 17, 2017

Dear colleagues,

As you may know, the Canadian Federation of Medical Students is in the process of creating a new Strategic Operations Plan for 2017 – 2020. This plan will not change the current CFMS Mission, Vision, and Values, rather, its focus is to build upon these and outline operational, governance and human resource growth plans and changes to enable the organization to continue to represent, support & connect members for the next three years.

Lead by CFMS Past-President, Dr. Anthea Lafreniere, the 2017-2022 Strategic Operations planning process represents the most comprehensive and consultative process undertaken by the CFMS. We would like to take this time to briefly outline the process thus far.

It began in 2015-2016 with broad internal, external and membership midpoint evaluation of the current strategic plan. It continued with an internal needs assessment in 2016, as well as a pan- Medical Education space analysis in collaboration with the Canadian Medical Association (CMA). Additionally, an RFP process was undertaken and an Ottawa based Human Resources & Strategy firm, Tap Strategies, was brought in as a consultant to assess the organization. A comprehensive report with suggestions was compiled in Spring 2017. This report was used as the foundation for iterative feedback by the CFMS 2016-17 Executive, PRT, Reps forum, and 2017 SGM.

Since SGM, a small writing team comprised of CFMS Executive Committee members, a medical society president, a CFMS rep, a global health liaison and members at large have been reviewing 1000s of pages of information and feedback to draft a preliminary plan. This preliminary plan is now complete and we are inviting direct feedback from its members and committees.

We are asking for feedback on the Strategic Operations Plan, specifically:

We also invite you to participate in feedback of the penultimate plan, via WebEx teleconference at 10AM EST on August 12th, 2017. You can log-in to WebEx here and participate in the conference using meeting code 195 953 270. No password is required. Please allow yourself 10-15 minutes prior to the call to set-up WebEx on your home computer.

Please check out the Draft Strategic Operations [here](/uploads/news-documents/CFMS Strategic Plan 2017-2022 - DRAFT - July 16 2017.pdf). We kindly ask that you send your feedback/comments to [email protected]

On behalf of the CFMS, we would like to personally thank you for taking the time to add your prospective to our CFMS Strategic Operations and Human Resources Plan.


Anthea Lafreniere, MD, BMSc
CFMS Past President, Strategic Operations Plan Lead

Franco A. Rizzuti, BSc, MA, MD
CFMS President

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