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Canadian Federation of
Medical Students
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About the CFMS
The CFMS is an organization representing over 8,000 medical students from 15 Canadian medical student societies from coast to coast. We represent medical students to the public, to the federal government, and to national and international medical organizations.
Annual Review - Call for Submissions
January 04, 2017

The CFMS Annual Review, a yearly magazine showcasing initiatives, projects, art, talent and creativity from medical students across Canada, is calling for submissions from all medical students. Share stories from your travels and clinical experiences. Tell us about your reflections, musings, and opinions. Show off your artistic talent, be it poetry, painting, or photography.

This year, the CFMS is also celebrating its 40th anniversary!

The CFMS Annual Review encapsulates all that happens each academic year and is circulated to 7500 medical students across Canada. It is also distributed to the deans of each medical school and to major medical organizations. Copies are also sent to provincial ministers of health, provincial medical associations, as well as to over 100 members of parliament.

The Annual Review is calling for the submissions of written articles of up to 800 words (reflection, opinion/editorial), as well as creative works (short stories, poems, artwork, photography) that can be considered for cover art. This year’s cover will be on the theme of the CFMS’ 40th anniversary. If you have an idea but are unsure if it’s right for this publication, email us and we’ll let you know.

Got married or had a baby during medical school? We would love to feature your wedding and baby photos in a dedicated section of the Annual Review!

Submissions of all kinds can be sent to Darwin Chan at [email protected]. Submissions are due by January 15, 2017.

Have a look at past Annual Review issues here.

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