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Comités Externes

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Current Representatives

Canadian medical students are represented at many national medical organizations by CFMS Representatives. The organizations (and CFMS Representatives) are listed below:

  • (AFMC & RDoC) Entry Routes Working Group - Kaylynn Purdy (Executive Member)
  • AFMC Canadian Graduate Questionnaire Development and Research Committee - Kaylynn Purdy (VP Education)
  • AFMC Canadian Graduate Questionnaire Executive Committee - Kaylynn Purdy (VP Education)
  • AFMC Canadian Graduate Questionnaire Strategic Group - Kaylynn Purdy (VP Education)
  • AFMC Clerkship Directors Group - Kaylynn Purdy (VP Education)
  • AFMC Global Health Group - Incoming - Ruth Habte (NOGHE)
  • AFMC Global Health Group - Outgoing - Dylan Ginter (NOGHE)
  • AFMC Indigenous Health - Willow Thickson (NOIH)
  • AFMC Interprofessional Education - Reed Gillanders (EdCom Member) & Braydon Connell (EdCom Member)
  • AFMC MCAT Fee Assistance - Laura Kim (General Member)
  • AFMC Physican Health & Well-Being Group - Emily MacPhail (Wellness Officer)
  • AFMC Physician Resource Planning Task Force (PR-PAC) - Henry Annan (President)
  • AFMC Postgraduate Medical Education Governance Council - Henry Annan (President)
  • AFMC Residency Matching Task Force - Henry Annan (President)
  • AFMC Student Affairs Committee - Stephanie Smith (VP Student Affairs)
  • AFMC Student Portal Data Analysis Working Group - Maylynn Ding (Executive Member) & Shreya Jalali (General Member)
  • AFMC Student Portal Immunizations Working Group - Cory Lefebvre (Executive Member) & Kaylynn Purdy (VP Education)
  • AFMC Student Portal Steering Committee - Kaylynn Purdy (VP Education), Maylynn Ding (Executive Member) & Sarah Silverberg (General Member)
  • AFMC Student Portal Steering Enhancement Working Group - Maylynn Ding (Executive Member)
  • AFMC Student Portal Steering Enhancement Working Group - Sarah Silverberg (General Member)
  • AFMC TUMEA - Taskforce on Undergraduate Medical Education Accreditation - Henry Annan (President)
  • AFMC UGME Reseach Committee - Kaylynn Purdy (VP Education)
  • AFMC Undergraduate Medical Education Committee - Henry Annan (President)
  • AFMC Unmatched CMG - Kaylynn Purdy (VP Education)
  • AFMC eHealth Infoway - Sabrina Tang (VP Govt Affairs / CFMS Rep to eHealth)
  • AMSA - Christina Schweitzer (VP Communications)
  • CMA Canadian Medical Forum - Henry Annan (CFMS President) & Franco Rizutti (Past-President)
  • CMA Committee on Ethics - Tatyana Danylyshyn (General Member)
  • CMAJ Student Humanities Blog Editor - English - Nikhita Singhal (General Member)
  • CMAJ Student Humanities Blog Editor - French - Rosa Lakabi (General Member)
  • Canadian Association for Medical Education (CAME) - Milani Sivapragasam (General Member)
  • Canadian Conference on Physician Health Program Planning Committee - Emily McPhail (Wellness Officer)
  • Canadian Medical Association Board of Directors - Henry Annan (CFMS President)
  • Canadian Medical Hall of Fame - Siddath Nath (General Member)
  • Canadian Medical Protective Assn (CMPA) - Franco Rizutti (Past-President)
  • Canadian Post-MD Education Registry (CaPER) Advisory Committee - Nebras Warsi
  • Canadian Post-MD Education Registry (CaPER) Policy Committee - Henry Annan (President)
  • Canadian Residency Matching Service (CaRMS) - Franco Rizutti (Past-President), Kaylynn Purdy (VP Education) & Henry Annan (President)
  • Choosing Wisely Canada - Anastasiya Muntyanu (General Member)
  • Clinician Investigator Trainee Assn of Canada - CITAC-ACCFC - Patrick Steadman (General Member)
  • College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) - Henry Annan (President)
  • Committee on the Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools (CACMS) - Junior - Christian Farrell (General Member)
  • Committee on the Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools (CACMS) - Senior - Adam Pietrobon (General Member)
  • FMEC PG Transitions Learner Education Handover Sub-Group - Kaylynn Purdy (VP Education)
  • FMEQ - Sarah Zahabi (Quebec Rep)
  • Federation of Medical Regulatory Authorities - Henry Annan (President)
  • IFMSA - Christopher Briggs (VP Global Health)
  • MSPR Working Group - Kaylynn Purdy (VP Education), Karan D'Souza (General Member) & Gurmeet Kaur (Executive Member)
  • Medical Council of Canada (MCC) - Yipeng Ge (EdCom Member)
  • OMSA - Maylynn Ding (Ontario Rep) & Cory Lebvre (Ontario Rep)
  • RDoC PGME Resiliency Committee - Stephanie Smith (VP Student Affairs)
  • Resident Doctors of Canada (RDoC) - Stephanie Smith (Exec Member)
  • Royal College CanMEDS Consortium - Kaylynn Purdy (VP Education)
  • Royal College Committee on Specialty Education - Shreya Jalali (VP Education)
  • Royal College Fellowship Affairs Committee - Adel Arezki (Quebec RD)
  • Royal College General Council - Maylynn Ding (Director of Education)
  • Royal College International Conference on Residency Education - Jaymie Walker (EdCom)
  • Western Deans - Odell Tan (Western Rep) & Victor Do (Ontario Rep)